☆☆☆ GALAXY ROM V3 For @Tran Phong ☆☆☆
☆☆☆ Port for N5&S6Plus by toanluu68☆☆☆
#Device supported:
☆Galaxy Note5: SM-N920C/S/K/L/9208, SM-N920T
☆Galaxy S6 Plus: SM-G928S/K/L
Contact @Chienduongvan support kernel
☆ ROM COOK Nougat 7.1.1 FOR N5/S6 PLUS BY toanluu68
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEQif3EdIAw...
Based on N950F official N950FXXU2BQL6
= Mod dual statusbar
= LD Kernel Support AOD, N920T
= Many Mod with G.T Control
++ Remember : Don't update software
☆☆ROM Installation:
- Download ROM, Multi Language Galaxy V3, Spen v3, Kernel, SuperSU or Magisk
- Prepare yourself to not get lost of available aroma options.
- Install ROM.
- Install Kernel
- Install SuperSU or Magisk
- Install Multi Language Galaxy V3
- Install Spen V3 Only Galaxy Note5
- Reboot Done!
*ROM: 1_GG Driver: http://123link.pw/ackV
2_Mega: http://123link.pw/5a0Y3hdI
*Kernel Bắt buộc flash nếu muốn Boot: http://123link.pw/qPppm
*Fix Bluetooth: http://123link.pw/UmN71ZFf
*SuperSU Pro: http://123link.pw/wS1D48e
*Magisk: http://123link.pw/CY1cMJ
*Multi Language Galaxy V2 & V3 Bắt buộc flash:
*Spen V2 & V3 Only Galaxy Note5: http://123link.pw/le7AedFB
MD5: 4b65625a7ae054c69e4la60e 044d57ef
NOTE: If you want to turn on battery saving. Please select CUSTOMIZE in Smart
manager, Change Screen resolution to WQHD 2560x1440
Then turn on battery saving.
LƯU Ý: Nếu bạn muốn bật tính năng tiết kiệm pin. Vui lòng chọn TÙY CHỈNH trong
Quản lý thông minh, Thay đổi Độ phân giải màn hình thành WQHD 2560x1440
Sau đó bật tiết kiệm pin.
Thank to:
@Tran Phong
@lâm1990 for smali source
@khongloi for some idea
@Chainfire for SuperSU
@topjohnwu for Magisk
@wuby989 & @dargirl for source code rom control
@alexega @sagitt67 @zimeed1 and all dev from 4pda.ru
@chienduongvan suport kernel full devices N5&S6.plus
@amarullz for Aroma installed
@osm0sis for Busybox
@Trung Thành paid minitbatery mod
@sanjonap giude and idea mod dual statusbar
@Anh Nguyen 123 signal icon
☆☆☆ GALAXY ROM V3 For @Tran Phong ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ Port for N5&S6Plus by toanluu68☆☆☆
Reviewed by co_phai_meo_dau
February 03, 2018
Rating: 5
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