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[ROM] Lineage OS 16.0 Android 9.0 (Pie) for Galaxy Note 5 & Galaxy S6 Edge Plus

[ROM] Lineage OS 16.0 Android 9.0 (Pie)


+ Rom http://123link.pro/brKvF
+ Kernel http://123link.pro/uqNin0
+ SuperSU http://123link.pro/DQzse1
+ Gapp http://123link.pro/YL5QCQ
+ App Titanium Backup http://123link.pro/UTTMl


⚔Flash ROM Tutorial for Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Edge Plus:

1. Download the file under the link.
2. Flash file rom "lineage-16.0-20180901-UNOFFICIAL-.zip"
3. At Recovery click Install Image and then select "boot_nx9_1.6_stable.img" file.
4. Reboot wait for the device to boot into the home screen.
5. If you want root. Open recovery and flash 2 files "gapps-arm64-9.0-micro.zip", "SR5-SuperSU-v2.82-SR5-20171001224502.zip".
6. Reboot Complete. Install the Titanium Backup application for "Bluetooth" and uninstall. Done


⚔Bug: The rom is under construction and fixes.
Bluetooth, GPS, Sensors,Camera...vvv, Galaxy S6 Edge Plus(G928*) unsupported kernel you can still use generic kernel with Galaxy Note 5 and app included: "http://123link.pro/Dr9zG"


⚔Thank you & Credit


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